They say it’s pretty easy to meet other pet owners but that’s not always the case. Of course you can walk your dog and bump into people every now and then and ask them how they are, how old their dog is and see what their plans are for the weekend, but this just isn’t the norm. A quick nod or just a “hello” is more likely, and what if you’re a cat owner or perhaps a bunny lover? Where can you meet likeminded individuals?
The best places are training sessions, especially if you have a young pet. Every animal needs training of some kind and there are likely to be plenty of training sessions in your local area. It may be surprising to know how many people have a pet just like yours, so even if you have an iguana or a pet that’s a little bit are, there may be some courses and training days where you can put your pet parenting skills to use! If you read a pet magazine every now and then, you’ll probably find tons of advertisement whereby specialist trainers are advertising opening on courses and evening classes, so be sure to look out!
Another quality option for meeting pet owners like you is at events and shows. There are loads of dog and cat shows throughout the UK, all year round, so be sure to check out the best ones online and buy tour ticket early. It’s the perfect place to strike up conversations about your animal and quiz people on their own pets. You could even take your cat or dog along to make friends. Following this, you could check for groups on Facebook as well as pet forums. You can chat with likeminded people without leaving the comfort of your own home, and that will suit many people! It’s also a great place to educate yourself on your animal and learn more about their behaviour.
So that’s a good amount to start looking out for! With magazines, forums, social media accounts, shows and events, there’s loads of ways to get involved in a community based around your particular pet. It just takes a little time and research to get the ball rolling, but there will be so many opportunity if you start opening up to these kinds of methods. Whether you own a dog, cat, rabbit, snake, turtle or lizard, there’s a lot you can learn and a community in which you can get involved with.
We did want to make one final point, and that’s on evening classes. With these classes you will learn more than you ever anticipated. A professional can guide you through all of the stages of care so no stone is left unturned, including feeding, rewarding, discipline, health, behaviour and fitness. These courses will generally run for one hour a week, but there’s usually the option for private lessons too if you desire. And as discussed, it’s certainly a great way to meet pet owners just like you.